Proxy Party Platform
Scientific protocol to efficiantly prioritize goals, mitigate psychopathy w accountability, allocate resources, and effectively liberate Earth into a harmonic renaissance.
Universal human needs are being subliminally sabotaged by psychopaths.
A Proxy Party is global alternative to dysfunctional forms of government. This rough platform draft, and ever expanding list of expectations is what we demand from leadership everywhere: ending the artificial scarcity of universal basic needs.
If you don't like this one make a better one.
This proxy party hopes to unite individual and collective goals together while creating a central focus point for progressives to meet whenever necessary to discuss and debate whatever is necessary, so we can move forward with executing missions. Something more harmonious than the false political dichotomy of left and right, Capitalist, Communist These are techniques and strategies for economics, like offense and defense in sports, the ability to quickly and flexibly adapt strategy is key not only to winning a game but survival of any species. All party contributions will be transparently allocated through direct 1:1 democracy to provide mutual aid as a voluntary alternative to taxes. No money will be spent on advertising or merchandise, if someone wants to do that, use recycled material. The goal is to experiment with new forms of democracy and act as a self government that is efficient enough to provide free clean water, organic food, cannabis, shelter, electricity, internet, the cost of Medicare should be so low at that point it wouldn't be hard to cover totally free as well. With all of our universal needs met it would liberate humanity from wage slavery, so we can focus on the work of repairing Earth.
Provide free freshwater. There are a number of ways we could be producing fresh drinking water and enough freshwater for everything else without fluoride, chlorine, heavy metals, or any of the other ridiculous things we find in our water sources. Subsidized water distillers for every town and home, check out projects like the one Moses West started to provide clean water, subsidize projects like his.
End hunger and reduce healthcare costs drastically by fully legalizing moringa trees and cannabis globally, as well as subsidizing distribution of necessary resources. Ban glyphosate. Return to regenerative agriculture and novel science based methods. Regulate corporate profit models of agriculture. That would provide a foundation of free organic food, for everyone. Subsidize food Forest projects wherever it's clever. We should have enough fresh delicious organic food left over for our animal friends as well.
Provide free housing for all humans! Totally subsidize the ability for people to live in unoccupied buildings, and even create novel , cost efficient safe and non-toxic living spaces.
Provide totally subsidized renewable energy for those spaces as well as totally subsidized Community internet everywhere.
With water, organic food, housing, energy and communications subsidized, the cost of healthcare will naturally be affordable enough to handle with a totally subsidized single-payer system.
Potential political candidates and all leadership will be held accountable and thier honesty will be vetted by subjecting themselves to what we call a progressive vibe check🔥 Leadership is interrogated in front of infrared lie detecting cames, before signing a contract and perhaps even dropping some collateral on their campaign. If they really want to impress us, they might even submit to an intoxicated vibe check.
We discourage censorship and encourage diplomatic and democratic debate: elected questions from elected moderators, in front of an infrared lie detecting camera and a monk style debate voting system as a fun hallmark of verisimilitude (truthiness).
Create an open source nationalized and expanded, version of CSPAN, with lie detecting IR cameras.
Remove money from politics by returning to more direct forms of democracy, and investigating current corruption, while restructuring electoral policies, like the electoral college, gerrymandering, lobbying etc.
Integrate blockchain technology to decentralize everything. Blockchain voting, Community credits, nfts, crypto, ECT…
Practice organic representation by allowing voters to choose any number of representatives to automatically vote for them on any item by automatically copying that representatives vote. In that way Representatives can be changed at any time by anyone, allowing leadership to rise and fall quickly and organically.
Peter Monien did all the heavy lifting for us in 2020, this is a framework we could use to hit the ground running, everything is subject to change.
Mitigate War with democratic and diplomatic debate before any offensive action is taken.
Encourage legitimate organic globalism by forming our own proxy world economic forum, world bank ECT. Experiment with economic theory to find a more harmonious and democratic solution to the distribution of resources.
Transparently allocate campaign contributions like taxes that are spent on democratically elected mutual aid projects. Do not spend any money on advertising/merch/signs, let our actions advertise themselves. Make your own merch from recycled material ♻️
Experiment with direct democracy using things like ranked choice voting blockchain voting , voting apps, STAR voting, etc to maintain security and transparency in the voting process. Also re-examine voting machines and all forms of electoral technology.
Create a new open source global free internet and social platform that serves as a digital town square. Explore ways to provide this and all universal basic needs for free, globally.
Recognize prejudice as psychopathic, publicly explore ways to mitigate it as a team.
Re-examine water infrastructure, take fluoride out of water, provide local water distillers, allow rainwater collection, regulate water pollution, use water ionization in hospitals and home to reduce waste, pollution, and the use of toxic chemicals.
Restructure the energy grid, utilize antiquated and novel technologies for the efficient and non-toxic use of energy.
Re-examine and restructure the tax system. Move towards a voluntary tax system where taxes are collected through donation, not threat or theft.
Update agriculture, replace pesticides and fertilizers with compost and novel techniques. Recover food waste from corporations to restore soil health. Ban glyphosate, subsidize local and national food Forest and community garden projects, provide free organic food and medicine to anyone who needs it. (Free Moringa trees, cannabis)
Lower healthcare costs by switching to a non-profit system that examines antiquated and novel health technology that is effective and cost efficient. Removing insurance middlemen from the equation, and drastically lowering the cost of health Care.
Advocate for wildcat, or online raccoon unions, create a network of support for general strikes and other offensive actions, after open diplomatic debate has failed. Encourage and support insubordinance.
Discourage censorship and encourage open debate, as a way to mitigate echo Chambers, polarization, political radicalization, violence, and war.
A gas tax to replace liability insurance and the fees involved with registration and inspection. Make front and rear cameras standard, reducing accidents, traffic, and traffic policing. Travel and transportation will be freely protected and provided.
Replace the death penalty with castration.
Free journalists to investigate legitimate conspiracy and war crime.
Enforce and update corporate law.
Apologize to the world for losing control of our leadership, and actions that have been done on our behalf, and by us. Ask for help investigating and mitigating corruption. Find a way to make reparations, and hold criminals accountable. For example, investigating potential crimes of wealthy individuals like Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein and reallocating their assets to mutual aid projects like organic food forests.
Solve the trans sports problem by introducing coed leagues, mitigate identity politics by identifying as human earthlings first.
Work around the censorship of the BDS movement by creating a DBS movement (the De-BullShit movement).
Create a novel alternative to antiquated spirituality using science and logic to provide free / subsidized mental and physical healing. (replace churches with global dojos of Scienceology?) Create safe and free access to psychedelics.
Subsidize educate and promote gardening, food forests, composting, soil restoration, waste recovery recycling Recommended leadership: Vandana Shiva, Elaine Ingham, Stephanie Sineff, some Sadguru 👀 upgrade lawn culture to Garden culture.
Create a new open source version of WikiLeaks, or expand on WikiLeaks. Free Journalism!
Create a new global language that is better than English and Esperanto, logical and poetic.
Examine psychopathy and drug abuse, ways to identify and mitigate it with technique, novel technologies, and psychedelics.
End the drug war by treating drugs as a health issue not a criminal one.
Practice full party transparency meaning flexible leadership, and the idea of a puppet candidate who is there to make decisions directly based on the Democratic actions of voters.
Bypass ballot access problems by flexing the write in vote, and expanding ballot / debate access. Host proxy debates in absence of willing participants. (Pretend to be someone if they don't show up to debate)
Encourage new political music, comedy and other forms of progressive entertainment. Set the comedians free.
Nationalize the banks, audit the Fed, create a real currency, restructure and experiment with economics and finance.(blockchain and Community credits)
Lower the voting age for special options.
For example maybe allot $100 million a year for all the children in the nation to allocate collectively, or state by state, or both, by experimenting with democracy.
Lower the age of electability to 25 at least.
Audit and investigate the federal reserve, IMF, WEF, WHO, FBI, CIA, pentagon DC, world Bank, vatican, freemasons, the entire octagon network, etc. Don't hesitate to help us add to this list.
Revolutionize education to the age of information creating a self directed education system where everyone can learn at their own pace all the way from kindergarten, GED, to PhD, for free. Prepare free organic food for all students and school staff. Make homework optional/extra credit.
Create a national interest advisory where we can have some idea of what our collective goals are.
Lower crime by restructuring police work. Standardize and subsidize cameras for vehicles and traffic to mitigate the cost of traffic policing.
Legalize and subsidize sex work, and actively defend men women children and animals from creepy rapists, molesters, and harassers of all kinds at the same time. Make sex safer, Reduce STDs with anti-stealthing laws and education, mitigate sex crime by enforcing law and sexual defense education.
Create a truly open source public communication system, social platform, internet, library of things, community gardens and examine ways to mitigate the cost of our universal basic needs.
Respect medical autonomy
Switch to the metric system
Legalize boobs! We can see every kind of violence on TV, allow women to dress how they want and make rapists afraid instead.
Replace the culture of chocolate and coffee with the culture of roasted dandelion root, Moringa and other more sustainable sources of energy.
Restructure the judicial system to be efficient and fair.
Legalize abortion completely, globally. It's a personal issue not a criminal one. If you want to protect children, investigate Pizza gate and the Jeffrey Epstein Network. 👀
Provide free organic food.🌱
Better gun regulation and access to better guns.
Investigate fund and subsidize male birth control methods, and women's health.
Stop subsidizing sugar and corn syrup.
Subsidize MRIs, TCMS, and stem cell therapy, and all legitimate forms of Medicare.
End modern slavery, waged or otherwise.
Make engineered obsolescence illegal.
End daylight savings time.
Make circumcision voluntary.
Subsidize stem cell research and treatment
Create a learn at your own pace universal GED curriculum.
Create a new universal and poetic language/phonetic alphabet (like Esperanto) by democratically selecting the best words from all languages or creating new ones where necessary, within easy to learn logical syntax.
Investigate white collar crime and redistribute the resources of the worst criminals on Earth towards mutual aid projects.
Make off the grid living a legal possibility.
End homelessness by repurposing vacant buildings and building earth ships.
Encourage the use of biodigesters to generate clean local fuel, while providing a more functional and less toxic version of a septic tank, decentralizing sewage and generating energy.
Provide universal basic necessities including clean water, organic food, shelter and medicine.
Totally legalize safe psychedelics like DMT, psilocybin, and cannabis globally.
Investigate the Jeffrey Epstein Network (including Donald Trump's Network), Bidens laptop, and pizza gate, 911, the housing crisis, and take all other legitimate conspiracies seriously.
Mitigate pollution.
End gerrymandering and other electoral shenanigans, provide direct democracy through blockchain voting and other novel voting techniques like ranked choice, encourage more ballot initiatives.
A new scientific definition of spirituality, and investigations into technology that may have been censored by the pharmaceutical industry, ie. Electromagnetic Shields, rife machine, Bob Beck device, dicyanin goggles… see: Museum of
Start a new religion based on logic science and math called “the global dojo of Scienceology” we can turn non-functional churches into community libraries /markets. Host talks by different members of the community every weekend, homeless shelters, and free clinics.
With all the money we save from not fighting pointless wars we can bring dinosaurs back from the dead and create water slides on the moon, let's explore space with our fellow earthlings!
Occupy D.C. Create a network of support to care for, and send the willing homeless to Washington D.C.
The Proxy Party needs:
Good ideas
Good candidates (local and national)
Good questions
Good actions
Investigative targets
Political comedy / music
Ballot initiatives
Co-ops / private membership associations
Free digital workspace / uncensored and open source social media platforms
Networking / promotion
Professionals (anyone who is good at anything)
Like-minded organizations
Freedom cells
Libraries of things
Seed sharing
Recycled materials! (Compostables, and any other kind of garden, home, energy, survival supplies, ECT)
Passionate educators
No money, yet.. and when we do need it it will be transparently allocated according to novel Democratic processes.
Right now providing pure distilled, mineralized and ionized water for free to everyone globally, is the current top goal.
Mitigating air quality and pollution with reforestation and gardening culture to provide the world with free organic food and medicine is the next step.
We should do both at the same time.
We need help.
Save your money, lend us your time and energy!
Let's discover how many of our universal needs can be met for free so we can spend our energy on cool things like all you can eat organic buffets and water slides on the moon!
FORCE THE ORGANNY!🌎 Ban glyphosate. Return to regenerative agriculture and novel science based methods. Regulate corporate profit models of agriculture. That would provide a foundation of free organic food, for everyone. Subsidize food Forest projects in every city.
FORCE THE TOKE🌬️☁️ completely legalize Canabis globally.
FORCE THE PEYOTE 🌵 legalize psychedelics to reduce drug abuse and repair pharmaceutical and alcoholic brain damage.
FORCE THE VIBE CHECK🔥Democratic infrared debates and interrogations as a political accountability test, intoxicated as a flex of verisimilitude 🔮
This list obviously needs editing, expansion, consolidation, new ideas, and expansion.
Feel free to recommend or criticize in the chat, don't hesitate to turn your hope into help! Pass the torch!🔥
Great Work Brady!
Peter Monien's work